Soek die Here

Soek die Here

Wanneer ‘n persoon die Here soek, moet hy eerste glo dat die Here is (bestaan) en dat Hy die persoon wat soek sal beloon vir sy soektog. Hierdie moet eerste gevestig wees in die persoon se hart: “Ek gaan die Here soek met alles in my omdat Hy is en ‘n beloner is van die wat Hom soek”. Sy soeke na die Here moet ook een wees met ‘n volkome hart en nie net uit blote nuuskierigheid nie, dit moet ook nie wees vir ’n geestelike ervaring nie, maar uit liefde om die Here dieper en beter te leer ken in opregtheid van hart. Sonder ywer en passie sal sy soektog kort geknip word, want dit vereis volharding en fokus.

Hebreërs 11:6 AOV
“En sonder geloof is dit onmoontlik om God te behaag; want hy wat tot God gaan, moet glo dat Hy is en ‘n beloner is van die wat Hom soek.”

Hebrews 11:6 NKJV
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Die AOV beeld nie die manier waarop ons die Here moet soek so duidelik uit soos die NKJV nie. Die Griekse woord agter “soek” is Ekzeiteo en dit word ook gebruik in Handelinge 15:17 en 1 Petrus 1:10.

Handelinge 15:17
“sodat die oorblyfsel van die mense die Here kan soek, en al die nasies oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, spreek die Here wat al hierdie dinge doen.”

1 Petrus 1:10
“Aangaande hierdie saligheid het die profete wat geprofeteer het oor die genade wat vir julle bestem is, ondersoek en nagevors,”

Hoe moet ons die Here soek?

Die “Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains” gee die volgende definisie vir Ekzeiteo:
To exert considerable effort and care in learning something – “to make a careful search, to seek diligently to learn, to make an examination”.

Hierdie woord word ook in die volgende verse gebruik:

Romeine 3:11
“Daar is niemand wat verstandig is nie, daar is niemand wat God soek nie.”

Hebreërs 12:17
“Want julle weet dat hy, toe hy ook later die seën wou beërwe, verwerp is, want hy het geen geleentheid vir berou gevind nie, al het hy dit met trane vurig begeer.”

Dit is noemenswaardig om die Strong’s woordeboek ook hier aan te haal:
From G1537 and G2212; to search out, that is, (figuratively) investigate, crave, demand, (by Hebraism) worship: – en- (re-) quire, seek after (carefully, diligently).

Hierdie Griekse woord is ook gekoppel aan die konsep van aanbidding. Daar is dan ‘n sterk assosiasie tussen ons “vurige soeke” van die Here en ons “aanbidding” van Hom. Dawid is ‘n baie goeie voorbeeld vir ons van ‘n persoon wat die Here met ‘n volkome hart gesoek het en ‘n aanbidder was in gees en waarheid.

Psalm 27:4
“Een ding het ek van die HERE begeer, dit sal ek soek: dat ek al die dae van my lewe mag woon in die huis van die HERE, om die lieflikheid van die HERE te aanskou en te ondersoek in sy tempel.”

Dawid skryf vêrder in die Psalm,

Psalm 27:8-9
“Van U sê my hart: Soek my aangesig! Ek soek u aangesig, o HERE! Verberg u aangesig nie vir my nie, wys u kneg nie af in toorn nie: U was my hulp! Verstoot en verlaat my nie, o God van my heil!”

Dawid sê vir die Here, dat Hy die Here se aangesig soek, maar dat die Here nie Sy aangesig moet verberg vir Dawid nie. Mens kan Dawid se intieme verhouding met die Here hier duidelik sien, hy smeek by die Here vir die geleentheid om Hom te aanskou en sodoende smeek hy ook vir genade en vergifnis van sy sonde. Hy kon nie lewe sonder om die Here te aanskou nie, die Here was sy lig en sy verlossing.

Die volgende is ‘n verduideliking van Maclaren oor Hebreërs 11:6.


Maclaren’s Exposition
Hebrews 11:6 – Seeking God

THE writer has been pointing to the patriarch Enoch as the second of these examples of the power of faith in the Old Covenant; and it occurs to him that there is nothing said in Genesis about Enoch’s faith, so he set about showing that he must have had faith, because he ‘walked with God,’ and pleased Him, and no man could thus walk with God, and please Him, unless he had come to Him, and no man could come to a God in whom he did not believe, and whom he did not believe to be waiting to help and bless him, when he did come. So the facts of Enoch’s life show that there must have been in him an underlying faith. That is all that I need to say about the context of the words before us. I am not going to speak of the writer’s argument, but only of this one aspect of the divine character which is brought out here. ‘He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.’

I. Now a word about the seeking.

Seek?’ Do we need to seek? Not in the way in which people go in quest of a thing that they have lost and do not know where to find. We do not need to search; we do not need to seek.

The beginning of all our seeking is that God has sought us in Jesus Christ, and so we have done for ever with: ‘Oh! that I knew where I might find Him.’ We have done for ever with ‘feeling after Him, if haply we might find Him.’ That is all past. We have to seek, but let us never forget that we must have been found of Him, before we seek Him. That is to say, He must have revealed Himself to us in the fullness and reality and solid certainty of His existence and character, before there can be kindled in any heart or mind the desire to possess Him. He must have flashed His light upon the eye before the eye beholds; and He must have stimulated the desire by the revelation of Himself which comes before all desires, ere any of us will stir ourselves up to lay hold upon God. Ours, then, is not to be a doubtful search, but a certain seeking, that goes straight to the place where it knows that its treasure is, just as a migratory bird will set out from the foggy and ice-bound shores of the north, and go straight through the mists and the night, over continents and oceans, to a place where it never was before, but to which it is led – God only knows how – by some deep instinct, too deep to be an error, and too persistent not to find its resting-place. That is how we are to seek. We are to seek as the flower turns its opening petals to the sunshine, making no mistake as to the quarter of the heaven in which the radiance is lodged. We have to seek, as the rootlet goes straight to the river, knowing where the water is, from which life and sap will come. Thus we have to seek where and what we know. Our quest is no doubtful and miserable hunting about for a possible good, but an earnest desire for a certain and a solid blessing. That is the seeking.

Let us put it into two or three plain words. The prime requisite of the Christian’s seeking after God is as the writer here says, faith, I need not dwell upon that. ‘Must believe that He is’ – yes; of course. We do not seek after negations or hypotheses; we seek after a living Being. ‘And that He is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him’ – yes; if we were not sure that we should find what we wanted, we should never go to look for it. But, beyond all that, let me put three things as included in, and necessary to, the Christian seeking – desire, effort, prayer. We seek what we desire. But too many of us do not wish God, and would not know what to do with Him if we had Him, and would be very much embarrassed if it were possible for the full blessings which come along with Him, to be entrusted to our slack hands and unloving hearts. Brethren, we call ourselves Christians; let us be honest with ourselves, and rigid in the investigation of the thoughts of our own hearts. Is there a wish for God there? Is there an aching void in His absence, or do we shovel cartloads of earthly rubbish into our hearts, and thus dull desires that can be satisfied only with Him? These are not questions to which any one has a right to expect an answer from another; they are not questions that any Christian man can safely shirk answering to himself and to God. The measure of our seeking is actually settled by the measure of our desire.

Then effort, of course, follows desire as surely as the shadow comes after the substance, because the only purpose of our desires, in the constitution of our nature, is to supply the driving power for effort. They are the steam in the boiler intended to whirl round the wheels. And so for a man to desire a thing that he can do nothing whatever to bring about, is misery and folly. But for a man to desire, and not to. work towards fulfilling his desire, is greater misery and greater stupidity. One cannot believe in the genuineness of those devout aspirations that one hears in people’s prayers, who get up and wipe the dust off their knees, and go out into the world, and do nothing to bring about the fulfillment of their prayers. There is a great deal of that sort of desire amongst professing Christians in all churches, conventional utterances which are backed up and verified by no corresponding conduct. If we are seeking after God, we shall not let all the seeking effervesce in pious aspirations; it will get consolidated into corresponding action, and operate to keep thought and love directed towards Him, even amidst the trivialities, and legitimate duties, and great things of life. There will be effort to bring Him into connection with all our work; effort to keep by Him as we go about our daily tasks, if we are truly seeking after God.

And then, desire and effort being pre-supposed, there will come honest prayers, genuine prayers. ‘Seek ye the Lord while He may be found,’ says the prophet, and immediately goes on to exhort us to ‘call upon Him while He is near,’ as one and the chief way of seeking Him. He is always near, closer to us than friends and lovers, closer to us than our eyes and hands, near in His Son and the Spirit, near to hear and to bless, near and desiring to be nearer, yea to be blended with our being and to dwell in us and we in Him. We have not only to desire His gift, and to work towards it, but to ask for it. Then, if we exercise these three activities of desire, effort, petition, we may truly say: ‘When Thou saidst, “Seek ye My face,” my heart said unto Thee, “Thy face, Lord! will I seek,”‘ and may go on, as the psalmist did, to offer the consequent prayer: ‘Hide not Thy face from me,’ in full assurance that He is found by every seeking soul So much for the seeking.

II. Now a word about the diligence in seeking.

The writer uses a very strong expression, one word in the original, which is here adequately rendered, ‘them that diligently seek Him.’ Half-hearted seeking finds nothing. You sometimes say to your children, when you have set them to look for anything, and they come back and say they have not been able to find it, ‘You do not know how to seek.’ And that is true about a great many of us. Half and half desire, so that one eye is turned on earth, and the other lifted up now and then to heaven, does not bring us much. It will bring a little, but not the fullness of blessing which follows on whole- hearted, continuous, persevering seeking. If you hold a cup below a tap, in an unsteady hand, sometimes it is under the whole rush of the water, and sometimes is on one side, and it will be a long time before you get it filled. There will be much of the water spilled. God pours Himself upon us, and we hold our vessels with unsteady hands, and twitch them away sometimes, and the bright blessing falls on the ground and cannot be gathered up, and our cup is empty, and our lips parched. Interrupted seeking will find little; perfunctory seeking will find less. Conventional religion brings very little blessing, very little consciousness of the presence of God; and that is why so many who call themselves Christians, and are so, in a measure and in a sense, know so little of the joy of being found of God. They have sought but not sought diligently.

Now let us take the rebuke to ourselves, if we need it, and we all need it more or less. It is a very threadbare piece of Christian counsel, to be earnest in our seeking after God, but it is none the less needed because it is threadbare, and it would not be threadbare if it had not been so much needed. ‘They that search diligently’ – which is the real meaning of the words in the Book of Proverbs rendered, ‘they that seek Me early’ -’shall find Me.’

III. So this brings me to the last thing here, the Rewarder and the reward.

‘He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.’ The best reward of seeking is to find the thing that you are looking for. So the best reward that God, the Rewarder, gives is when He gives Himself. There are a great many other good things that come to the diligently seeking Christian soul, but the best thing is that God draws near. Enoch sought God, came to God, and so he walked with God. The reward of his coming was continuous, calm communion, which gave him a companion in solitude, and one to walk at his side all through the darkness and the roughnesses, as well as the joys and the smoothnesses, of daily life.

Ah, brethren! there is no reward comparable to the felt presence in our own quiet hearts of the God who has found us, and whom we have found. And if we have that, then He becomes, here and now, the reward of the diligent search, and the reward of it today carries in itself the assurance of the perfect reward of the coming time. ‘He walked with God, and… God took him.’ That will be true of all of us. There is only one seeking in life that is sure to result in the finding of what we seek. All other search – the quest after the chief good – if it runs in any other direction, is resultless and barren. But there is one course, and one only, in which the result is solid and certain. ‘I have never said to any of the seed of Jacob, seek ye My face in vain.’ If we seek He will be found of us, and so be our Rewarder and our reward.

“O Here, ek besef my hart is koud teenoor U, my begeerte is versadig deur dinge van die wêreld. Wanneer ek wakker word in die oggend om tyd saam met U te spandeer, dan is my hart op ander plekke, dit dwaal rond in droë plekke waar geen water is nie. Geen wonder U roep Adam: “Waar is jy, Adam?”, toe hy en Efa gesondig het nie. Net so roep U: “Waar is ek?”. Mag ek vanoggend antwoord in nederigheid: Hier is ek Here, vergewe my, verstoot my nie, want U is my rots en my verlossing. Ek het teen U alleen gesondig deur my hart met dinge van die wêreld te versadig, mag U my red en my hoof verhef sodat ek U weer kan aanskou as die lig van my lewe. In U lig sien ek die lig, U is die fontein van lewe en in U teenwoordigheid word ek versadig met U strome van plesiere. Oh, Here mag ek U aangesig soek en mag U nie U aangesig van my verberg nie. Ek begeer U en ek smag na U teenwoordigheid. Mag daar ‘n onuitputlike bron van begeerte in my hart wees vir U en vir alles van U, mag my begeerte na U my lewe fokus gee sodat niks van hierdie wêreld my begeerte na U kan uitblus nie. Soos ek bietjie vir bietjie van U beleef en die soetheid van U teenwoordigheid beleef sal ek U nog meer soek met my hele hart elke dag totdat ek saam met U in volheid wandel. Mag U liefde my hart vul sodat ek tot volle eenheid kan kom in U, ek in U en U in my.”

Kom ons soek die Here omdat daar steeds ‘n belofte en beloning vir ons is, dat die wat soek sal vind, hulle sal vind meer as wat hulle gesoek het voor. Daar sal ‘n tyd kom wat die Here nie meer te vinde is nie, hoe hartseer sal dit wees as mense in daardie tyd Hom soek en Hom nie vind nie (sien Jesaja 55:6).

Spreuke 8:17
“Ék het lief die wat my liefhet, en die wat my soek Shachar, sal my vind.”

Soek – Shachar: Vroeg soek, met ywer of erns soek.

Psalms 63:1
“‘n Psalm van Dawid, toe hy in die woestyn van Juda was. (63:2) o God, U is my God, U soek (Shachar) ek; my siel dors na U, my vlees smag na U, in ‘n dor en uitgedroogde land, sonder water.”

Jesaja 26:9
“Met my siel begeer (Avah) ek u in die nag; ook met my gees in my binneste soek (Shachar) ek U; want as u oordele op die aarde is, leer die inwoners van die wêreld geregtigheid.”

Begeer – Avah: Te begeer, verlang na, (diep) begeerte, wellus.

Al beleef jy nie ‘n diep drang of begeerte na die Here nie, kan jy steeds met jou wil kies om die Here te soek. Die keuse is in jou bereik, dit is ‘n besluit van geloof eerste nie van emosie nie. Die begeerte sal kom, die water sal vloei, maar die eerste tree moet geneem word en dit is in jou vermoë om dit te doen. Ek kom na die Here toe en kies om Hom te soek, my gedagtes kan ronddwaal, dan kies ek om hardop Bybel te lees, hardop te sing en die naam van die Here te loof. Soos Paulus gesê, “neem elke gedagte gevange tot die gehoorsaamheid van Christus” (2 Kor. 10:4-5), ek sal gesag neem oor my gedagtes in die naam van Jesus totdat ek rustig en gefokus is op die Here, dan kan ek voel hoe my hart verlang, hoe my gees smag na die Here se teenwoordigheid. Soms is dit ‘n halfuur, soms langer of korter, maar so moet ons oefen om ons innerlike mens op te bou tot ons kom tot die volheid van liefde tot die volle mate van Christus.

Ten slotte, Dawid se soektog na die Here het geëindig met Hom wat op die Here wag.

Psalm 27:14
“Wag op die Here! Wees sterk en laat jou hart sterk wees! Ja, wag op die HERE!”

Wanneer jou gees en gedagtes een is met verlange na die Here, dan is dit die beste tyd om stil te word en om op die Here te wag totdat Hy met jou praat. Dit sal baie uitdagend wees in die begin, maar soos Dawid sê: “Wees sterk en laat jou hart sterk wees”, hou aan sonder moet opgee, die Here begeer meer om met jou te praat as wat jy begeer om Hom te hoor.

Jy mag dalk eers net ‘n sekere indruk beleef in jou gees, ‘n sekere persoon waarvoor jy moet bid, of ‘n beeld sal in jou gedagtes opkom, later ‘n duideliker woord, hou jou fokus op die Here. Ondersoek dit wat jy beleef in gebed leer om te onderskei wat was die Here en wat was van jou eie gedagtes. Later sal jy die Here se stem duideliker hoor en jou oë sal begin oopgaan om te sien wat die Here jou wil wys. Klein tree stadig, versigtig toets alle dinge en behou die goeie.

Hierdie is ‘n reis van ontdekking vol avontuur, die Here is ons Leidsman en ook die Liefling van ons siel. Geniet dit om Hom beter te leer ken.
As hierdie artikel jou geseën het en jy het nog nie by ons blog aangesluit nie, volg hierdie skakel en teken vandag op.

Met liefde,